Enrolment Application

Check out the information on Enrolment before you fill this form out.   

Enrolment Information

Are you the

Student Information - Please fill out one form for each child you wish to enrol


If your child HAS NOT previously been enrolled in a NZ school, please provide us with the following

One of the following

Child's Heath Status

Does your child have any health of physical problems which may affect learning

Does your child suffer from any illness or allergy, potentially requiring medication whilst at school on on a school trip that the school should know about

Does the child have any learning needs

Is the student a new entrant with an older sibling at school

Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Information

Is the child living with both biological parents?

Questions for Parents

For a New Entrant

Did the child regularly attend Early Childhood service(s) in the six months prior to starting school?


By putting your names here you are signing this declaration

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

The Workshop - B & M Styles Ltd Eric Bosch Building Compass Electrical Ltd Above & Beyond Plumbing Services Carterton Glass

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